Welcome to the reunion website for the Sheboygan Central High School Redmen, Class of 1959. Please enjoy looking through the pictures of your friends and classmates. Feel free to use the links on the left hand side of this page to look at even more !  "WARNING" There is a LOT of information about the Class of 59 on this site.  The Message Board alone has hundreds of entries, which date all the way back to 2010. We constantly add, and sometimes update information, so check the site as often as you are comfortable with. 

You are welcome to add text, articles, or pictures to our class photo albums.  You may also add comments in the "In Memory" section for any of our departed classmates.  

Just remember, you MUST save Your entry (look for a small, gray, rectangular box in one of the page corners),the entry will have to be authenticated by an administrator before it will be displayed.


If you would like to listen to "Loyal and True" simply click on the play arrow below and listen. It lasts just under a minute. Try singing along. Do you remember the words? Oh, it does play through twice so you'll get two chances to sing.



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